Opening Hours
Mon 08:30 -18:00
Tues-Thurs 08:30 -17:00
Fri 08:30 -13:00
We provide a wide range of aesthetic treatments to help transform appearance and function.
We are always happy to discuss your concerns and requirements and provide a treatment plan and estimate suited for your individual needs.
Composite Veneers
Composite Veneers are an excellent option when you want to improve appearance but preserve all the natural tooth tissue.
Case Study
Patient was unhappy with stained and worn upper anterior teeth but did not want to lose any existing tooth tissue.
A course of tooth whitening was initially carried out to lift the overall tooth shade.
Direct non preparation composite veneers were then placed, with no loss of tooth structure.
Composite Restorations
Amalgam (metal) restorations provide good function but can look ugly. Where appropriate, composite restorations can be an excellent aesthetic alternative.
Case Study
Patient presented with decay under a failing amalgam restoration on an upper molar.
This old amalgam was visible when the patient smiled, and therefore a more aesthetic restoration was required.
As the tooth was not subject to heavy occlusal loads, a direct composite restoration was the ideal choice.
Dentures don't need to look false and can be a good option to replace several missing teeth.
Case Study
Patient was unhappy with the appearance and fit of a very old denture.
A new cobalt chrome denture was made. This new denture provided great function and much improved aesthetics.
Accidents unfortunately do happen. However, we can offer a range of treatments to help minimise the impact.
Case Study
Patient had fallen over and traumatised an upper incisor.
Unfortunately, the nerve in the tooth died and this led to discolouration of the enamel almost overnight.
Following root canal therapy, internal non vital tooth
whitening was performed, which brilliantly restored the original enamel shade.

Before Composite Veneers were placed

After composite veneers were placed.

Old unsightly amalgam restoration.

Composite Restoration

Old Denture

New Cobolt Chrome Denture

Enamel Discolouration following trauma

Non vital tooth whitening